I really can't believe how fast August flew by! Busy wrapping up summer fun and getting ready to send my babies off to school.
Final Enrollment for these two...I'm not ready!

These two love the dentist!
Hiking with friends
Bree's sunflower grew as tall as she thought it would, over 6 ft! She planted it in March from a tiny seed.
They always want their faces painted.
Random grocery store fun, these two are pretty silly sometimes.
Cuddles with Lucy.
Off to Kindergarten
She is so ready but gosh, I am going to miss her.
Looking sort of crazy after a long first day!
Gwen's first day of Preschool
I was worried how this would go, but she has done great! Tells me she is big and ready for her school. She does really like her days off though.
After her first day, she zonked out for hours, a sleepy girl!
Sisters walking to school :)
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